Letters by Elmer G. Wiens
1. The proposed Sumas Power Plant threatens the environment in the Fraser Valley. Thanks to an immense effort by many citizens, this power plant expansion has been stopped.
2. Law Enforcement Officials appear just to be "flailing around" in their fight against the distribution and use of illegal drugs. We need a fresh start.
3. Members of Parliament must review Bill C-36, Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act. What should they do?
4. Stephen Owen, MP, sent me a letter and an "opinion piece" in response to letter 3, on Bill C-36, Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act. I replied to Stephen Owen with this letter.
5. Over the past few years in British Columbia, more than five people have died at the hands of police using taser guns to subdue them. B.C.'s Chief Coroner has asked for input into the use of taser guns by RCMP and community police officers.
6. Deaf and hard of hearing people are discriminated against when they attend a theatre to watch a movie. While a few Canadian theatres offer limited captioning services, most theatres do not. Through its website, www.captionmoviesnow.ca, the Captioning Movies Now Coalition (CMNC) intends to support the deaf, deafened and hard of hearing individuals in Canada to obtain equitable access to movies shown
in theatres in their own neighbourhood, including first-run movie theatres.
7. Should the B.C. Government place tolls on a new Port Mann Bridge?
8. Vancouver and its parks board intend to cut back services and reduce staffing to balance their budgets. While I recognize the need to economize, I'd prefer there be more emphasis on spending money more wisely.
9. Where the B.C. economy stands. There are better ways to measure a government's performance than the annual rate of growth of the economy.
10. Canada's Growing Income Disparity.
11. UbC Pitches Special College — International Students.
12. Figuring out university admissions — Demystifying university admissions.